The Hasmoneans and Their Supporters
Joseph Sievers
Not Available
The Rules of Composition of the Talmud of Babylonia
Jacob Neusner
The Discourse of the Bavli
Judaism in the Matrix of Christianity
The Oral Torah
The Incarnation of God
Barabbas and Esther and Other Studies in the Judaic Illumination of Earliest Christianity
Roger David Aus
[Perush R. Mosheh Kimhi Le-Sefer Iyov
Moses Kimhi and 2 more
Targum Studies
Paul Virgil McCracken Flesher
The Dura-Europos Synagogue
Joseph Gutmann
Bits of Honey
Samson H Levey and 2 more
The Analytic Movement
Norman Solomon
Judaism and Zoroastrianism at the Dusk of Late Antiquity
The Mystical Study of Ruth
Lawrence A Englander and 1 more
Âbo Addresses
Samuel, Saul, and Jesus
From Text to Historical Context in Rabbinic Judaism
Paul and Judaism
Timo Laato
The Judaic Law of Baptism
Theme and Context in Biblical Lists
Benjamin Edidin Scolnic
Sects and Scrolls
Philip R Davies
Rosenzweig on Profane/secular History
Manfred H Vogel
Religion and Law
Jews, Pagans, and Christians in the Golan Heights
Robert C Gregg and 1 more
Archaeology and the Galilee
Douglas R Edwards and 1 more
The Good Creator
Shamai Gelander
Stranger at Home
Rashi's Commentary on Psalms
Rashi and 1 more
Mediators of the Divine
Robert M Berchman
How Adin Steinsaltz Misrepresents the Talmud
The Levites
Risto Nurmela
Perush Le-Sifre Ba-Midbar
PseudoRabad and 1 more
From Scripture to 70
Invitation to the Talmud
Jewish Law from Moses to the Mishnah
The Language and the Law of God
Francesca Calabi
The Text and I
Samson H Levey and 1 more
The Place of the Tosefta in the Halakhah of Formative Judaism
Claudian Policymaking and the Early Imperial Repression of Judaism at Rome
H Dixon Slingerland
The Economics of the Mishnah
Symbol and Theology in Early Judaism
What, Exactly, Did the Rabbinic Sages Mean by "The Oral Torah"
Golden Doves With Silver Dots
José Faur
Aphrahat and Judaism
A History of the Jews in Babylonia
Jews and Christians in the Life and Thought of Hugh of St. Victor
Rebecca Moore
The Theology of Rabbinic Judaism
Israel, Its Life and Culture
Johannes Pedersen
Was Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah?
Steven J McMichael and 1 more